Upper Palaeozoic Fossils from Clastic Sedimentary Rocks in the Gorski Kotar Region
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Clastic sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of Mrzle Vodice in theGorski kotar region contain numerous Upper Palaeozoic fossils, preserved as skeletal detritus in calcilithites or within lithoclasts incoarse-grained sediments. Seventy-two taxa have been determined(most of them for the first lime) in this region. The moSt abundantgroups are foraminifers and calcareous algae. Calcisponges, echinodermsand bryozoans occur frequently. while remnants of molluscs,brachiopods and ostracods are scarce. The determined taxa rangefrom the Lower Carboniferous (Visean), through the Upper Carboniferous(Moscovian, Kasimovian, Gzhelian), up to the Lower Permian(Asselian) in age. Some of the clastic sediments show traces of themultiple redeposition.
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