Triassic Deposits of Hrvatsko Zagorje
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In the area of Hrvatsko Zagorje, Triassic deposits crop-out in theform of tectonic emplacements, forming the cores of all the majormountains. They also underline Neogene deposits, as proven in numerousboreholes.During the Triassic period, continuous sedimentation occurredmainly in shallow marine environments, though transient subsidenceoccurred in the Anisian and Ladinian epochs. In the Lower Triassic,the nearshore clastic and carbonate sediments were deposited, whichwere succeeded in the Middle and Upper Triassic by shallow-waterlimestones. The latter for their most part have undergone later dolomitisation. Owing to rapid subsidence during Middle Anisiun andLadinian times. sedimentation of the fine-grained clastics, pelagiclimestones and cherts occurred together with local volcanic intrusions.
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