Early Eocene Nummulitids from Gebel Umm Russeies, El Galala El Bahariya, Eastern Desert, Egypt
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Seven larger foraminiferal species: Nummulites aff. nemkovi SCHAUB, 1966, Nummulites partschi DE LA HARPE, 1880, Nummulites bassiounii BOUKHARY & BLONDEAU, 1991, Nummulites cf. campesinus SCHAUB, 1966, Assilina aff. major HEIM, 1908, Decrouezina aegyptiaca Boukhary, 1994 and Operculina sp. are described from the Early Eocene Gebel Umm Russeies, Northern Galala, Eastern Desert, Egypt. These taxa are biostratigraphically evaluated and according to the standard shallow benthic zones, the identified biozones span SBZ 10 to SBZ 12 in the shallow benthic zones (SBZ) of SERRA-KIEL et al. (1998) which are assigned to the Late Ypresian.
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Original Scientific Papers
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ABDALLAH, A.M., EL-SHARKAWI, M.A. & MARZOUK, A. (1971): Geology of the Mersa Thelmet area, Southern Galala, Eastern Desert, A.R.E.– Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., 44, 271–280.
AMER, A.F., KRISTSOY, M.F. & HANNA, F.L. (1970): The Egyptian carbonate rocks and possibilities of their utilization in O. Maharam et al. ed.– Studies on some mineral deposits of Egypt: G.S.E., Cai-ro, 183 p.
BAHR, S. (1991): Stratigraphy of the Palaeogene succession of Jabal Hafi t, A – Ain, UAE.– Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Ain Shams Uni-versity, Cairo, 183 p.
BERGGREN, W.A. (1971): Tertiary boundaries and correlations.– In: The Micropaleontology of oceans. Proc. Symp. (Cambridge, Sept. 10–17, 1971), 693–809.
BOUKHARY, M. (1994): Decrouezina n.gen: descendant of Ranikoth-alia in Nummulitacea.– Micropaleont., 40/1, 95–99.
BOUKHARY, M.A., ABDALLAH, A.Y. (1982): Stratigraphy and mi-crofacies of the Eocene limestones at Beni Hassan, Nile Valley, Egypt.– N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont., Mh., 151–152.
BOUKHARY, M., KULBROK, F. & KUSS, J. (1998): New nummulitids from lower Eocene limestones of Egypt (Monastery of St. Paul, Eastern Desert).– Micropaleont., 44/1, 99–108.
BOUKHARY, M.A. & BLONDEAU, A. (1991): Nummulitesbassiouniin.sp (N. perplexus Lineage) of Late Cretaceous from Beni Hassan, Nile Valley, Egypt.– N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh., 1, 21–30.
CIMERMAN, R., PAVLOVEC, J., PAVŠIC, J. & TODESCO, L. (1974): Biostratigraphy of the Palaeogene beds of Goriska Brda: Macro-foraminifera.– Geologija, 17, 115–130.
CUVILLIER, J. (1930): Revision du Nummulitique egyptien stratigra-phie et paleontology.– Int. Egypt. Mem., 16, 371.
EL-AKKAD, S. & ABDALLAH, A.M. (1971): Contribution to Geology of Gebel Ataqa Area.– Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt. 1, 21–42.
HARPE, DE.LA. (1883a): Etude des Nummulites de la Suisse et revisi-on des espèces éocènes des genres Nummulites et Assilina.– Mem. Soc. Paleont. Suisse, 10, 141–180.
HARPE, DE.LA. (1883b): Monographie der Aegypten und der Liby-schen Wüste vorkommenden Nummuliten.– Palaeontogr., 30, 155–216.
HARPE, DE.LA. (1880): Notes sur les Nummulites Partschi et Oosteri de la Harpe du Calcaire du Michelsberg,pres Stockerau (Autriche) et du Gurnigel-sandstein de Suisse.– Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 18 (84), 33–40.
HEIM, ARN. (1908): Die Nummuliten – und Flyschbildungen der Schwei zeralpen. Versuch zu einer Revision der alpinen Eocaen-Stratigraphie.– Abh. Schweiz. Paläont. Ges., 35, 1–301.
HOTTINGER, L. & SCHAUB, H. (1964a): Les séries paléontgènes de quelques basins méditerraneens, Colloque Paléogène Bordeaux.– Mem. B.R.G.M., 28, 611–625.
HOTTINGER, L. & SCHAUB, H. (1964b): Le synchronisme des bio-zones basé sur les Nummulites, Assilines et Alvéolines, Colloque Paléogène Bordeaux.– Mem. B.R.G.M., 28, 25–629.
HOTTINGER, L. (1977): Foraminiferes operculiniformes.– Mem Mus. Nat. 6, Hist. Nat., XL., 40, Paris, 160 p.
KAPELLOS, C. (1973): Biostratigraphie des Gurnigelfl ysches mit be-sonderer Beruschsichtigung der Nummuliten und des Nannoplanktons unter Einbeziehung des Paläogenen Nannoplanktons der Krim (U.D.S.S.R.).– Mém. Suisse Paleont., 96, 1–128.
NEMKOV, G.I. & BARKHATOVA, N.N. (1961): Nummuliten, Assilinenund Operculinen der Krim [in Russian].– Isdat. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 1–125.
OSMAN, R.A. (2003): New fi ndings in the Eocene stratigraphy of Gebel Ataqa-Northern Galala, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.– Sedimentology of Egypt, 11, 95–109.
RAHAGHI, A. & SCHAUB, H. (1976): Nummulites et Assilines du NE de l’Iran.– Eclogae geol. Helv., 69, 765–782.
SADEK, H. (1926): The geography and geology of the district between Gebel Ataqa and El-Galala El-Bahariya (Gulf of Suez).– Geol. Surv. Egypt. Paper, 40, 120 p.
SAID, R. (1960): Planktonic Foraminifera from Thebes Formation, Lux-or, Egypt.– Micropaleont., 6, 277–286.
SAID, R. (1962): The Geology of Egypt.– Elsevier, 377 p.
SAID, R. (1990): The Geology of Egypt.– Balkema, Rotterdam, 734 p.
SCHAUB, H. (1951): Stratigraphie und Paleontologie des Schlierenfl y-sches mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der paleovaenen und unte-reocaenen Nummuliten und Assilinen.– Schweiz., Paleont. Abh. (Mem. Suisse Paleont.), 68, 1–222.
SCHAUB, H. (1966): Uber die Grossforaminiferen in Untereocaen von Campa (Ober-Aragonien).– Eclogae geol. Helv., 59, 335–377.
SCHAUB, H. (1981): Nummulites et Assilines de La Tethys Palaeogene, Taxinomie, phylogenese et biostratigraphie.– Mem. Schweiz. Palaon-tol. Abhandlungen, 104, 236 p. Atlas I: Vol. 105 & Atlas II: Vol. 106.
SCHWAGER, C. (1883): Die Foraminifereren aus den Eocaenablage-rungen der libyschen Wüste und Aegyptens.– Paleontogr., 30, p. 79–153.
SERRA-KIEL, J., HOTTINGER, L., CAUS, E., DROBNE, K., FER-RANDEZ, C., JAUHRI, A.K., LESS, G., PAVLOVEC, R., PIGNAT-TI, J., SAMSO, J.M., SCHAUB, H., SIREL, E., STROUGO, A., TAMBAREAU, Y., TOSQUELLA, J. & ZAKREVSKAYA, E. (1998): Larger Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Palaeo-cene and Eocene.– Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 169/2, 281–299.
SNAVELY, P.O., GARRISON, R.E. & MEGUID, A.A. (1979): Stratig-raphy and regional depositional history of the Thebes Formation (Lower Eocene), Egypt.– Annals of Geological Survey of Egypt, 9, 344–362.
STROUGO, A., BIGNOT, G., BOUKHARY, M. & BLONDEAU, A. (1990): The Upper Lybian (possibly Ypresian) Carbonate Platform in the Nile Valley, Egypt Biostratigraphic problems and palaeoen-vironments.– Rev. Micropaleont., 33/1, 54–71.
SWEDAN, A.A., IBRAHIM & KANDEL, A. (1991): Back to the future El Ramiya Formation and rewriting the Libyan Mokattamian Stra-tigraphy of Gabal Ataqa and Gabal El Goza El Hamra.– Ann. Geol. Surv. Egypt., 17, 193–198.
WADE, M.E. (1964): Nannofossils from the Palaeogene of the South western USSR. Unpubl. MSc Thesis, Urbana. Ill: University of Illi-nois, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 52 p.
AMER, A.F., KRISTSOY, M.F. & HANNA, F.L. (1970): The Egyptian carbonate rocks and possibilities of their utilization in O. Maharam et al. ed.– Studies on some mineral deposits of Egypt: G.S.E., Cai-ro, 183 p.
BAHR, S. (1991): Stratigraphy of the Palaeogene succession of Jabal Hafi t, A – Ain, UAE.– Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Ain Shams Uni-versity, Cairo, 183 p.
BERGGREN, W.A. (1971): Tertiary boundaries and correlations.– In: The Micropaleontology of oceans. Proc. Symp. (Cambridge, Sept. 10–17, 1971), 693–809.
BOUKHARY, M. (1994): Decrouezina n.gen: descendant of Ranikoth-alia in Nummulitacea.– Micropaleont., 40/1, 95–99.
BOUKHARY, M.A., ABDALLAH, A.Y. (1982): Stratigraphy and mi-crofacies of the Eocene limestones at Beni Hassan, Nile Valley, Egypt.– N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont., Mh., 151–152.
BOUKHARY, M., KULBROK, F. & KUSS, J. (1998): New nummulitids from lower Eocene limestones of Egypt (Monastery of St. Paul, Eastern Desert).– Micropaleont., 44/1, 99–108.
BOUKHARY, M.A. & BLONDEAU, A. (1991): Nummulitesbassiouniin.sp (N. perplexus Lineage) of Late Cretaceous from Beni Hassan, Nile Valley, Egypt.– N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh., 1, 21–30.
CIMERMAN, R., PAVLOVEC, J., PAVŠIC, J. & TODESCO, L. (1974): Biostratigraphy of the Palaeogene beds of Goriska Brda: Macro-foraminifera.– Geologija, 17, 115–130.
CUVILLIER, J. (1930): Revision du Nummulitique egyptien stratigra-phie et paleontology.– Int. Egypt. Mem., 16, 371.
EL-AKKAD, S. & ABDALLAH, A.M. (1971): Contribution to Geology of Gebel Ataqa Area.– Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt. 1, 21–42.
HARPE, DE.LA. (1883a): Etude des Nummulites de la Suisse et revisi-on des espèces éocènes des genres Nummulites et Assilina.– Mem. Soc. Paleont. Suisse, 10, 141–180.
HARPE, DE.LA. (1883b): Monographie der Aegypten und der Liby-schen Wüste vorkommenden Nummuliten.– Palaeontogr., 30, 155–216.
HARPE, DE.LA. (1880): Notes sur les Nummulites Partschi et Oosteri de la Harpe du Calcaire du Michelsberg,pres Stockerau (Autriche) et du Gurnigel-sandstein de Suisse.– Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 18 (84), 33–40.
HEIM, ARN. (1908): Die Nummuliten – und Flyschbildungen der Schwei zeralpen. Versuch zu einer Revision der alpinen Eocaen-Stratigraphie.– Abh. Schweiz. Paläont. Ges., 35, 1–301.
HOTTINGER, L. & SCHAUB, H. (1964a): Les séries paléontgènes de quelques basins méditerraneens, Colloque Paléogène Bordeaux.– Mem. B.R.G.M., 28, 611–625.
HOTTINGER, L. & SCHAUB, H. (1964b): Le synchronisme des bio-zones basé sur les Nummulites, Assilines et Alvéolines, Colloque Paléogène Bordeaux.– Mem. B.R.G.M., 28, 25–629.
HOTTINGER, L. (1977): Foraminiferes operculiniformes.– Mem Mus. Nat. 6, Hist. Nat., XL., 40, Paris, 160 p.
KAPELLOS, C. (1973): Biostratigraphie des Gurnigelfl ysches mit be-sonderer Beruschsichtigung der Nummuliten und des Nannoplanktons unter Einbeziehung des Paläogenen Nannoplanktons der Krim (U.D.S.S.R.).– Mém. Suisse Paleont., 96, 1–128.
NEMKOV, G.I. & BARKHATOVA, N.N. (1961): Nummuliten, Assilinenund Operculinen der Krim [in Russian].– Isdat. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 1–125.
OSMAN, R.A. (2003): New fi ndings in the Eocene stratigraphy of Gebel Ataqa-Northern Galala, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.– Sedimentology of Egypt, 11, 95–109.
RAHAGHI, A. & SCHAUB, H. (1976): Nummulites et Assilines du NE de l’Iran.– Eclogae geol. Helv., 69, 765–782.
SADEK, H. (1926): The geography and geology of the district between Gebel Ataqa and El-Galala El-Bahariya (Gulf of Suez).– Geol. Surv. Egypt. Paper, 40, 120 p.
SAID, R. (1960): Planktonic Foraminifera from Thebes Formation, Lux-or, Egypt.– Micropaleont., 6, 277–286.
SAID, R. (1962): The Geology of Egypt.– Elsevier, 377 p.
SAID, R. (1990): The Geology of Egypt.– Balkema, Rotterdam, 734 p.
SCHAUB, H. (1951): Stratigraphie und Paleontologie des Schlierenfl y-sches mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der paleovaenen und unte-reocaenen Nummuliten und Assilinen.– Schweiz., Paleont. Abh. (Mem. Suisse Paleont.), 68, 1–222.
SCHAUB, H. (1966): Uber die Grossforaminiferen in Untereocaen von Campa (Ober-Aragonien).– Eclogae geol. Helv., 59, 335–377.
SCHAUB, H. (1981): Nummulites et Assilines de La Tethys Palaeogene, Taxinomie, phylogenese et biostratigraphie.– Mem. Schweiz. Palaon-tol. Abhandlungen, 104, 236 p. Atlas I: Vol. 105 & Atlas II: Vol. 106.
SCHWAGER, C. (1883): Die Foraminifereren aus den Eocaenablage-rungen der libyschen Wüste und Aegyptens.– Paleontogr., 30, p. 79–153.
SERRA-KIEL, J., HOTTINGER, L., CAUS, E., DROBNE, K., FER-RANDEZ, C., JAUHRI, A.K., LESS, G., PAVLOVEC, R., PIGNAT-TI, J., SAMSO, J.M., SCHAUB, H., SIREL, E., STROUGO, A., TAMBAREAU, Y., TOSQUELLA, J. & ZAKREVSKAYA, E. (1998): Larger Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Palaeo-cene and Eocene.– Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 169/2, 281–299.
SNAVELY, P.O., GARRISON, R.E. & MEGUID, A.A. (1979): Stratig-raphy and regional depositional history of the Thebes Formation (Lower Eocene), Egypt.– Annals of Geological Survey of Egypt, 9, 344–362.
STROUGO, A., BIGNOT, G., BOUKHARY, M. & BLONDEAU, A. (1990): The Upper Lybian (possibly Ypresian) Carbonate Platform in the Nile Valley, Egypt Biostratigraphic problems and palaeoen-vironments.– Rev. Micropaleont., 33/1, 54–71.
SWEDAN, A.A., IBRAHIM & KANDEL, A. (1991): Back to the future El Ramiya Formation and rewriting the Libyan Mokattamian Stra-tigraphy of Gabal Ataqa and Gabal El Goza El Hamra.– Ann. Geol. Surv. Egypt., 17, 193–198.
WADE, M.E. (1964): Nannofossils from the Palaeogene of the South western USSR. Unpubl. MSc Thesis, Urbana. Ill: University of Illi-nois, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 52 p.