Drained and undrained shear strenght of silty sand: effect of the reconstruction methods and other parameters
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The effects of confining pressure, relative density and sample preparation methods on the shearing strength of Chlef sand were studied in this article. For this purpose, the results of drained and undrained monotonic triaxial compression tests performed on samples with initial density of 0.29 and 0.80 under initial confining pressures ranged from 50 to 200 kPa are presented. The specimens were prepared by two depositional methods namely dry funnel pluviation and wet deposition. It was found that there was a marked difference in the undrained behavior even though the density and stress conditions were identical. The conclusion was that the soil fabric was responsible for this result. The results indicated also that at low confining pressures, the specimens reconstituted by the wet deposition method exhibited complete static liquefaction (zero effective confining pressure and zero stress difference). As confining pressures and densities were increased, the effective stress paths indicated increasing resistance to liquefaction by showing increasing dilatant tendencies. The same trends were observed in drained tests results in the form of an increase in the volumetric strain and the rapid transition from the contractancy phase to the dilatancy phase.
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Original Scientific Papers
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BENAHMED, N., CANOU, J. & DUPLA, J.C. (2004) : Structure initiale et propriétés de liquéfaction statique d'un sable. Comptes Rendus Mécanique 332, 887-894.
BISHOP, A.W. & WESLEY, L.D. (1975): A hydraulic triaxial apparatus for controlled stress path testing. Géotechnique, 25, 657-670.
CANOU, J. (1989) : Contribution l'étude et à l'évaluation des propriétés de liquéfaction d'un sable, Thèse de Doctorat de l'Ecole Nationale Des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris.
DURVILLE, J. L. & MENEROUD, J. P. (1982): Phénomènes géomorphologiques induits par le séisme d’El-Asnam, Algérie. Bull. Liaison Labo. P. et Ch., 120, juillet-août, 13-23.
ISHIHARA, K. (1993): Liquefaction and flow failure during earthquakes. Géotechnique, 43/3, 351-415.
KRAMER, S.L. & SEED, H.B. (1988): Initiation of soil liquefaction under static loading conditions. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 114/4, 412-430.
LADE, P.V. & DUNCAN, J.M. (1973): Cubical triaxial tests on cohesionless soil. Journal Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division ASCE, 99/SM10, 793-812.
MULILIS, J.P., SEED, H.B., CHAN, C.K., MITCHEL, J.K. & ARULANADAN, K. (1977): Effects of sample preparation on sand liquefaction. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, 103, 91-108.
OUYED, M. (1981) : Le tremblement de terre d’El-Asnam du 10 octobre 1980: étude des répliques. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Grenoble, Grenoble, 200 p. (in French).
PAPASTAMATIOU, D. (1980): El-Asnam, Algeria earthquake of October 10, 1980: field evidence of ground motion in the epicentral region. Geognosis Ltd., London.
POLITO, C.P. & MARTIN, II J.R. (2003): A reconciliation of the effects of non-plastic fines on the liquefaction resistance of sands reported in the literature. Earthquake Spectra, 19/3, 635-651.
SITHARAM, T.G., GOVINDA, R.L. & SRINIVASA, M.B.R. (2004): Cyclic and monotonic undrained shear response of silty sand from Bhuj region in india. ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper 450/41, 249-260.
THEVANAYAGAM, S., RAVISHANKAR, K. & MOHAN, S. (1997): Effects of fines on monotonic undrained shear strength of sandy soils. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 20/1, 394-406.
VAID, Y.P., SIVATHAYALAN, S. & STEDMAN, D. (1999): Influence of specimen reconstituting method on the undrained response of sand. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 22/ 3, 187-195.
WOOD, F.M., YAMAMURO, J.A. & LADE, P.V. (2008): Effect of depositional method on the undrained response of silty sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45/11, 1525–1537.
YAMAMURO, J.A. & COVERT, K.M. (2001): Monotonic and cyclic liquefaction of very loose sands with high silt content. Journal of Geotechnical Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 127/4, 314-324.
YAMAMURO, J.A. & LADE, P.V. (1997): Static liquefaction of very loose sands. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 34 /6, 905-917.
YAMAMURO, J.A. & LADE, P.V. (1998): Steady state concepts and static liquefaction of silty sands. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 124/9, 868-877.
YAMAMURO, J.A. & WOOD, F.M. (2004): Effect of depositional method on the undained behavior and microstructure of sand with silt. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 24, 751-760.
YAMAMURO, J.A., WOOD, F.M. & LADE, P.V. (2008): Effect of depositional method on the microstructure of silty sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45/11, 1538–1555.
ZLATOVIC, S. & ISHIHARA, K. (1997): Normalized behavior of very loose non-plastic soils: effects of fabric. Soils and Foundations, 37/4, 47-56.