The dasycladalean algae of the Plassen Carbonate Platform (Kimmeridgian-Early Berriasian) and the Barmstein Limestone (Late Tithonian): taxonomic inventory and palaeogeographical implications within the platform-basin-system of the Northern Calcareous Alp
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The present paper compiles an up-to-date taxonomic inventory of dasycladalean green algae of the Kimmeridgian-Early Berriasian Plassen Carbonate Platform and their resediments in basinal sediments (e.g., Barmstein Limestone, Sillenkopf Formation) of the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria (p.p. Germany). Today, the Plassen Carbonate Platform sensu lato (or Plassen Group) is divided into three independent carbonate platforms with radiolarite deepwater basins between: the Wolfgangsee Carbonate Platform to the north, the Plassen Carbonate Platform sensu stricto in a central position and the Larchberg Carbonate Platform to the south. All together 42 taxa are reported from these platforms and associated resediments, each shortly commented and illustrated. Amongst these, there are taxa common in all three platforms, others exhibit restricted distributions. These peculiarities can be explained by the different lithostratigraphic and overall geodynamic evolution of the three platforms. In many cases, it allows the assignment of resediments in basinal series to a certain platform as a helpful palaeobiogeographical tool when other data are lacking.
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