Dispersed cuticles and conducting tissue of Sphenophyllum BRONGNIART from the Westphalian D of Kalinovo, Donets Basin, Ukraine
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Upper Westphalian coals are usually rich in organic-matter of different plant taxa, including gymnosperms. The assemblagefrom Kalinovo (Eastern Ukraine) is exceptional in being dominated by Sphenophyllum, both cuticles andconducting tissues. Sphenophyllum cuticles are easily distinguished by their parallel oriented cells with sinuous anticlinalwalls, and paracytic stomata on the abaxial cuticle. Tracheids with multiseriate bordered pits that occur in Sphenophyllum can be also found in the Calamitaceae and some pteridosperms. However, rectangular shaped remainsof parenchyma cell strips along the radial wall of tracheids are only known in Sphenophyllum.
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Original Scientific Papers
Authors have copyright and publishing rights on all published manuscripts.
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AIZENVERG, D.E., LAGUTINA, V.V., LEVENSHTEIN, M.L., POPOV, V.S. (eds.). (1975): VIII International Congress on Carboniferous stratigraphy and geology.– Field excursion guidebook for the Donets Basin, 360 pp., Moscow 1975.
ANDREWS, H. N. (1940): On the stelar anatomy of the pteridosperms with particular reference to the secondary wood.– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 27, 51–118.
BARTHEL, M. (1997): Epidermal structures of sphenophylls.– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 95, 115–127.
BATENBURG, L. H. (1977): The Sphenophyllum species in the Carboniferous flora of Holz (Westphalian D, Saar Basin, Germany).– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 24, 69–99.
BATENBURG, L. H. (1981): Vegetative anatomy and ecology of Sphenophyllum zwickaviense: S. emerginatum and other compression species of Sphenophyllum.– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 32, 275–313.
BATENBURG, L. H. (1982): “Compression species” and “petrifaction species” of Sphenophyllum compared.– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 36/3–4, 335–359.
BOUREAU, E. (1964): Traité de Paléobotanique III. Sphenophyta, Noeggerathiophyta.– Masson et Cie, Éditeurs, pp. 544, Paris.
BUREŠ, J., OPLUŠTIL, S, PŠENIČKA, J. & TICHÁVEK, F. (2013): Brouskový obzor (bolsov) na lokalitě Kamenný Újezd u Nýřan (plzeňská pánev) – The Whetstone Horizon (Bolsovian) in the locality Kamenný Újezd near Nýřany (Pilsen Basin).– Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2012, 12–19.
CLEAL, C. J. & THOMAS, B. A. (1995): Palaeozoic palaeobotany of Great Britain.– Chapman & Hall, 295 pp.
GOOD, C. W. (1973): Studies of Sphenophyllum shoots. Species delimitation within the taxon Sphenophyllum.– American Journal of Botany, 60, 929–939.
HAVLENA, V. (1965): Geologie uhelných ložisek III.– Nakladatelství ČSAV, pp. 382, Praha.
LIBERTÍN, M., BEK, J. & DRÁBKOVÁ, J. (2014): New sphenophyllaleans from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic.– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 200, 196–210.
MEYEN, S. V. (1970): Epidermisuntersuchungen an permischen Landpflanzen des Angaragebietes.– Paläontologische Abhandlungen, B, 3/3–4, 523–552.
MEYEN, S. V. (1987): Osnovy paleobotaniki. Spravočnoe posobie.– M. Nedra, 403 pp.
NĚMEJC, F. (1963): Paleobotanika II.– Nakladatelství ČSAV, pp. 523, Praha.
PANT, D. D. & MEHRA, B. (1963): On the epidermal structure of Sphenophyllum speciosum (ROYLE) ZEILLER.– Palaeontographica, B, 112, 51–57.
POOLE, L. & KÜRSCHNER, W. M. (1999): Stomatal density and Index: the practice.– In: JONES, T. P. & ROWE, N. P. (eds.) Fossil plants and spores. Modern techniques.– Geological Society, London. 257-260.
RÖßLER, R. & NOLL, R. (2007): Calamitea Cotta, the correct name for calamitean sphenopsids currently classified as Calamodendron Brongniart.– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 144/3–4, 157–180.
ŠIMŮNEK, Z. & FLORJAN, S. (in press): The Westphalian Cordaites borassifolius-like dispersed cuticles (and prepollen) from the Siersza locality, Upper Silesian Basin, Poland.– Bulletin of Geosciences.
TAYLOR, T., TAYLOR, E. L. & KRINGS, M. (2009): Paleobotany. The Biology and evolution of Fossil Plants.– Elsevier Inc., 1252 pp.
YAO, Z.-Q., LIU, L.-J., MAPES, G. & ROTHWELL, G. W. (2000): Leaf morphology and cuticular features of Sphenophyllum in the Gigantopteris flora from the South China.– Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 110, 67–92.