Palaeobiogeography of the Late Carboniferous brachiopoda from Velebit Mt. (Croatia)
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An abundant and diverse Late Carboniferous brachiopod fauna from Velebit Mt. (Croatia) comprises 63 brachiopod taxa dominated by Productida and Spiriferida. The Spiriferinida, Athyridida, Orthotethida and Rhynchonellata are less common, while the Orthida, Dictyonellida and Terebratulida occur in very small numbers. Brachiopods are mostly preserved as casts and moulds in shales, limestones and sandstones. Associated fusulinid foraminifera and calcareous algae indicate a Kasimovian to Gzhelian age for the brachiopod–bearing deposits. The global biogeographic distribution of brachiopod taxa indicates the probable seaways and brachiopod migration routes, along the Euramerican shelves.
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CLEAL C. J., TENCHOV Y. G., SREMAC J., ĐEREK T. & JAPUNDŽIĆ S. (in press): Pennsylvanian fossil flora from the Velebit Mountains and Lika region (SW Croatia). Bulletin of Geosciences.
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KALASHNIKOV, N. V. (1993): Brakhiopody Permi Evropeiskogo Severa Rossyy [Permian brachiopods from the European northern Russia – in Russian], 151 p. Nauka, Sankt-Peterburg.
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KOCHANSKY-DEVIDÉ, V. (1970): Die Kalkalgen des Karbons vom Velebit-Gebirge (Moskovien und Kassimovien).− Palaeont. Jugosl., 10, 32 p.
MERINO-TOMÉ, O., BAHAMONDE, J.R., SAMANKASSOU, E. & VILLA, E. (2009): The influence of terrestrial run off on marine biotic communities: An example from a thrust-top carbonate ramp (Upper Pennsylvanian foreland basin, Picos de Europa, NW Spain).− Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol., 278 (1−4), 1−23. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.04.002 M
SALOPEK, M. (1942): O gornjem paleozoiku Velebita u okolici Brušana i Baških Oštarija [On the Upper Palaeozoic of the Velebit Mt. in the vicinity of Brušane and Baške Oštarije – in Croatian].− Rad JAZU., 274, 218−272.
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SOKAČ, B., ŠČAVNIČAR, B. & VELIĆ, I. (1976b): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, Tumač za list Gospić L 33-127 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Gospić sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 64 p.
SOKAČ, B., ŠUŠNJAR, M., BUKOVAC, J. & BAHUN, S. (1976c): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, Tumač za list Udbina L33- 128 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Geology of Udbina sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 62 p.
SREMAC, J. (2005): Equatorial Shelf of the Palaeozoic Supercontinent – Cradle of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform.− Geol. Croat., 58/1, 1−19. S
SREMAC, J. (2012): Influence of terrestrial sedimentation in Pennsylvanian rocks of Croatia. Geol. Croat., 65/3, 274-277.
VELIĆ, I., ŠPARICA, M. & VLAHOVIĆ, I. (2009): Klastične i karbonatne naslage (karbon, perm – C, P) [Clastic and carbonate deposits (Carboniferous, Permian – C, P) – in Croatian].– In: VELIĆ, I. & VLAHOVIĆ, I. (eds.): Explanatory Text for Geologic Map of Croatia 1: 300000. Hrvatski geološki institut, 20−23.
VON SCHLOTHEIM, E. F. (1816): Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen in Geognostischer Hinsicht. Denkschriften der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen für des Jahre 1816 und 1817, 6, 13-36.
VOZAROVA, A., EBNER, F., KOVACS, S., KRÄUTNER, H.-G., SZEDERKENYI, T., KRSTIĆ, B., SREMAC, J., ALJINOVIĆ, D., NOVAK, M. & SKABERNE, D. (2009): Late Variscan (Carboniferous to Permian) environments in the Circum Pannonian Region.– Geol. Carpath., 60/1, 71−104. doi: 10.2478/v10096-009-0002-7
WAAGEN, W. (1884): Productus Limestone Fossils, Part IV, fas. 4. Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, 611-728
WINKLER PRINS, C.F. (2007): The Role of Spain in the Development of the Reef Brachiopod Faunas During the Carboniferous, W. Renema (ed.), Biogeography, Time, and Place: Distributions, Barriers, and Islands, 217–246.
Web sources, July 2015, August 2015, August 2015, August 2015
BERRA, F. & ANGIOLINI, L. (2014): The Evolution of the Tethys Region throughout the Phanerozoic: A Brief Tectonic Reconstruction. In: MARLOW, L., KENDALL, C. & YOSE, L. (eds.): Petroleum systems of the Tethyan region. AAPG Memoir, 106, 1-27.
CLEAL C. J., TENCHOV Y. G., SREMAC J., ĐEREK T. & JAPUNDŽIĆ S. (in press): Pennsylvanian fossil flora from the Velebit Mountains and Lika region (SW Croatia). Bulletin of Geosciences.
IVANOVIĆ, A., SAKAČ, K., MARKOVIĆ, S., SOKAČ, B., ŠUŠNJAR, M., NIKLER, L. & ŠUŠNJARA, A. (1973): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, list Obrovac L33-140 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Obrovac sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd.
IVANOVIĆ, A., SAKAČ, K., SOKAČ, B. & VRSALOVIĆ-CAREVIĆ, I. (1976): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, Tumač za list Obrovac L33-140 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Geology of Obrovac sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 61 p.
KALASHNIKOV, N. V. (1993): Brakhiopody Permi Evropeiskogo Severa Rossyy [Permian brachiopods from the European northern Russia – in Russian], 151 p. Nauka, Sankt-Peterburg.
KOCHANSKY-DEVIDÉ, V. (1955): Karbonske i permske fuzulinidne foraminifere Velebita i Like I. Opći dio i karbon [Carboniferous and Permian fusulinids of the Velebit Mt. and Lika Region. Introduction and Carboniferous − in Croatian].− Rad Jugosl. Akad., 305, 5−62, Zagreb.
KOCHANSKY-DEVIDÉ, V. (1970): Die Kalkalgen des Karbons vom Velebit-Gebirge (Moskovien und Kassimovien).− Palaeont. Jugosl., 10, 32 p.
MERINO-TOMÉ, O., BAHAMONDE, J.R., SAMANKASSOU, E. & VILLA, E. (2009): The influence of terrestrial run off on marine biotic communities: An example from a thrust-top carbonate ramp (Upper Pennsylvanian foreland basin, Picos de Europa, NW Spain).− Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol., 278 (1−4), 1−23. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.04.002 M
SALOPEK, M. (1942): O gornjem paleozoiku Velebita u okolici Brušana i Baških Oštarija [On the Upper Palaeozoic of the Velebit Mt. in the vicinity of Brušane and Baške Oštarije – in Croatian].− Rad JAZU., 274, 218−272.
SALOPEK, M. (1948): O gornjem paleozoiku sjeveroistočnog podnožja Velebita i Like [On the Upper Palaeozoic of the northeastern slope of the Velebit Mt. And Lika region – in Croatian].− Rad JAZU, 274, 75 p.
SCHELLWIEN, E. (1892): Die Fauna des karnischen Fusulinenkalks, Palaeontographica, 39, 1-56.
SCHELLWIEN, E. (1900). Die Fauna der Trogkofelschichten in den Karnischen Alpen und den Karawanken I. Theil: die Brachiopoden. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 1-122.
SHU-ZHONG , S., HUA, Z., WEN-ZHONG, L., LIN, M., JUN-FANG, Z., (2006): Brachiopod diversity patterns from Carboniferous to Triassic in South China, GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL Geol. J. 41: 345–361.
SIMIĆ, V. (1935): Gornjokarbonski fosili iz Like u Hrvatskoj [Late Carboniferous fossils from Lika in Croatia – in Serbian].− Vesnik Geol. Inst. Kralj. Jugosl, 1/1, 141−145.
SOKAČ, B., BAHUN, S., VELIĆ, I. & GALOVIĆ, I. (1976a): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, Tumač za list Otočac L 33-115 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Geology of Otočac sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 44 p.
SOKAČ, B., NIKLER, L. & VELIĆ, I. & MAMUŽIĆ, P. (1974): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, list Gospić L 33-127 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Gospić sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd.
SOKAČ, B., ŠČAVNIČAR, B. & VELIĆ, I. (1976b): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, Tumač za list Gospić L 33-127 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Gospić sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 64 p.
SOKAČ, B., ŠUŠNJAR, M., BUKOVAC, J. & BAHUN, S. (1976c): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, Tumač za list Udbina L33- 128 [Basic Geologic Map of SFRY 1:100000, Geology of Udbina sheet − in Croatian].− Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 62 p.
SREMAC, J. (2005): Equatorial Shelf of the Palaeozoic Supercontinent – Cradle of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform.− Geol. Croat., 58/1, 1−19. S
SREMAC, J. (2012): Influence of terrestrial sedimentation in Pennsylvanian rocks of Croatia. Geol. Croat., 65/3, 274-277.
VELIĆ, I., ŠPARICA, M. & VLAHOVIĆ, I. (2009): Klastične i karbonatne naslage (karbon, perm – C, P) [Clastic and carbonate deposits (Carboniferous, Permian – C, P) – in Croatian].– In: VELIĆ, I. & VLAHOVIĆ, I. (eds.): Explanatory Text for Geologic Map of Croatia 1: 300000. Hrvatski geološki institut, 20−23.
VON SCHLOTHEIM, E. F. (1816): Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen in Geognostischer Hinsicht. Denkschriften der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen für des Jahre 1816 und 1817, 6, 13-36.
VOZAROVA, A., EBNER, F., KOVACS, S., KRÄUTNER, H.-G., SZEDERKENYI, T., KRSTIĆ, B., SREMAC, J., ALJINOVIĆ, D., NOVAK, M. & SKABERNE, D. (2009): Late Variscan (Carboniferous to Permian) environments in the Circum Pannonian Region.– Geol. Carpath., 60/1, 71−104. doi: 10.2478/v10096-009-0002-7
WAAGEN, W. (1884): Productus Limestone Fossils, Part IV, fas. 4. Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, 611-728
WINKLER PRINS, C.F. (2007): The Role of Spain in the Development of the Reef Brachiopod Faunas During the Carboniferous, W. Renema (ed.), Biogeography, Time, and Place: Distributions, Barriers, and Islands, 217–246.
Web sources, July 2015, August 2015, August 2015, August 2015