Fluid evolution in Tertiary magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems at the Rhodope metallogenic province, NE Greece. A review
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Characterization of various fluid parameters in magmatic-hydrothermal ore mineralizationsis potentially essential for interpretation of the conditions of formation and therefore formineral exploration. Fluid inclusions can provide a useful and promising tool in the researchof the ore forming processes in these systems. This review focuses on the nature,composition and origin of magmatic-hydrothermal ore forming fluids involved in the formationof representative Tertiary ore deposits at the Rhodope metallogenic province in NEGreece. These deposits are spatially related to Tertiary magmatism in NE Greece. Casestudies are presented here and include an intrusion-hosted sheeted vein system (Kavala), aAu-rich carbonate replacement and quartz-vein mineralization (Asimotrypes), mineralizedveins in Eptadendro-Rachi and Thasos island (Kapsalina and Panagia), porphyry Cu-Mo-Re-Au deposits in Pagoni Rachi and Maronia and epithermal Au-Ag mineralizations inPerama and Loutros. Hydrothermal fluids rich in CO2 together with elevated Au and Tecontent are common and occur at the Kavala intrusion hosted sheeted vein system, at theAsimotrypes Au-rich carbonate replacement mineralization and at the Panagia (Thasos)vein system. We classify all these ore mineralizations as intrusion-related gold systems(IRGS)v. Transport and precipitation of metals including Au and Te is favoured when CO2is present. Precipitation of the ore mineralization takes place due to the immiscibility of thecarbonic and the aqueous fluids which have a magmatic origin with the contribution ofmeteoric water. Cooling of magmatic hydrothermal fluids and dilution with meteoric wateris a common cause for ore mineral formation in the vein mineralizations of Eptadendro/Rachi and Kapsalina Thasos. At the Pagoni Rachi and Maronia porphyry deposits, boilingand the high proportion of the vapour phase are the most essential fluid processes whichaffected ore formation. The epithermal veins overprinting the Pagoni Rachi and the Maroniaporphyry systems and the HS-IS epithermal system in Perama Hill and the IS epithermalmineralization in Loutros are characterized by low to moderate temperatures and lowto moderate salinities. Cooling and dilution of the ore fluids are the main process for goldprecipitation. We conclude that the different fluid parameters and microthermometric dataindicate a variety of fluid origin conditions and sources which can affect the strategy forexploration and prospecting for gold, rare and critical metals.
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Review Papers
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BAKER, T. (2002): Emplacement depth and carbon dioxide-rich fluid inclusions in intrusion-related gold deposits.-Economic Geology, 97, 1111-1117.
BAKER, T. & LANG, J.R. (2001): Fluid inclusion characteristics of intrusion-related gold mineralization, Tombstone–Tungsten magmatic belt, Yukon Territory, Canada.-Mineralium Deposita, 36, 563-582.
BLUNDELL, D., ARNDT, N., COBBLOD P.R. & HEINRICH C. (2005): Processes of tectonism, magmatism and mineralization: Lessons from Europe.-Ore Geology Reviews, 27, 333-349.
BONSALL, T.A., SPRY, P.G., VOUDOURIS, P.C., TOMBROS, S., SEYMOUR, K.S. & MELFOS, V. (2011): The geochemistry of carbonate-replacement Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in the Lavrion district, Attica, Greece: Fluid inclusion, stable isotope, and rare earth element studies.-Economic Geology, 106, 619-651.
BORTNIKOV, N.S. (2006): Geochemistry and origin of the ore-forming fluids in hydrothermal-magmatic systems in tectonically active zones.-Geology of Ore Deposits, 48, 1-22.
CHANG, Z., HEDENQUIST, J.W., WHITE, N.C., COOKE, D.R., ROACH, M., DEYELL, C.L. & CUISON A.L. (2011): Exploration tools for linked porphyry and epithermal deposits: Example from the Mankayan intrusion-centered Cu-Au district, Luzon, Philippines.-Economic Geology, 106, 1365-1398.
CHATZIKIRKOU, A. & MICHAILIDIS K. (2004): The Eptadendro and Rachi sulfide mineralization, Eastern Rhodope, Greece.-Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 36, 397-405 (in Greek with English abstract).
CHRISTOFIDES, G., PECSKAY, Z., ELEFTHERIADIS, G., SOLDATOS, T. KORONEOS, A. (2004): The Tertiary Evros volcanic rocks (Thrace, northeastern Greece): petrology and K/Ar geochronology.-Geologica Carpathica-Bratislava, 55, 397-410.
CHRISTOFIDES, G. (1996): Tertiary magmatism in the Greek Rhodope Massif, northern Greece: Granitic plutons. In: KNEZEVIC, V. & KRSTIC, B. (eds.), Terranes of Serbia: The Formation of the Geologic Framework of Serbia and the Adjacent Regions. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 155-160.
DE BOORDER, H., SPAKMAN, W., WHITE, S.H. & WORTEL, M.J.R. (1998): Late Cenozoic mineralization, orogenic collapse and slab detachment in the European Alpine Belt.-Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 164, 569-575.
ELEFTHERIADIS, G. & KORONEOS, A. (2003): Geochemistry and petrogenesis of post-collision pangeon granitoids in central Macedonia, Northern Greece.-Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 63, 364-389.
ELIOPOULOS, D.G. (2000): Geochemistry and origin of the Asimotrypes carbonatehosted mesothermal gold deposit, Pangeon mountain, N. Greece.-Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Southampton, UK, 244 p.
FORNADEL, A.P., SPRY, P.G., MELFOS, V., VAVELIDIS, M. & VOUDOURIS, P. (2011): Is the Palea Kavala Bi-Te-Pb-Sb ± Au district, northeastern Greece, an intrusion-related system?-Ore Geology Reviews, 39, 119-133.
GEORGAKOPOULOU, M., BASSIAKOS, Y. & PHILANIOTOU, O. (2011): Seriphos surfaces: a study of copper slag heaps and copper sources in the context of Early Bronze Age Aegean metal production.-Archaeometry, 53, 123-145.
HEINRICH, C.A. (2005): The physical and chemical evolution of low-salinity magmatic fluids at the porphyry to epithermal transition: a thermodynamic study.-Mineralium Deposita, 39, 864-889.
HEINRICH, C.A. (2007): Fluid-fluid interactions in magmatic-hydrothermal ore formation.-Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 65, 363-387.
HURTIG, N.C. & WILLIAMS-JONES, A.E. (2015): Porphyry-epithermal Au-Ag-Mo ore formation by vapor-like fluids: New insights from geochemical modeling.-Geology, G36685-1.
JOLIVET, L. & BRUN, J.P. (2010): Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Aegean.-International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 109-138.
KESLER, S.E., BODNAR, R.J. & MERNAGH, T.P. (2013): Role of fluid and melt inclusion studies in geologic research.-Geofluids, 13, 398-404.
ELIOPOULOS, D.G. & KILIAS, S.P. (2011): Marble-hosted submicroscopic gold mineralization at Asimotrypes area, mount Pangeon, southern Rhodope core complex, Greece.-Economic Geology, 106, 751-780.
LANG, J.R. & BAKER, T. (2001): Intrusion-related gold systems: the present level of understanding.-Mineralium Deposita, 36, 477-489.
LEHMANN, B., DIETRICH, A. & WALLIANOS, A. (2000): From rocks to ore.-International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89, 284-294.
LOWENSTERN, J.B. (2001): Carbon dioxide in magmas and implications for hydrothermal systems.-Mineralium Deposita, 36, 490-502.
MARCHEV, P., KAISER-ROHRMEIER, M., HEINRICH, C., OVTCHAROVA, M., VON QUADT, A. & RAICHEVA, R. (2005): Hydrothermal ore deposits related to post-orogenic extensional magmatism and core complex formation: the Rhodope Massif of Bulgaria and Greece.-Ore Geology Reviews, 27, 53-89.
MELFOS, V., CHATZIKIRKOU, A., MICHAILIDIS, K. & VOUDOURIS P. (2010): Fluids related to remobilization of Mesozoic sulfide mineralization in the Eptadendro-Rachi region in eastern Rhodope, Thrace, Greece. In the Proceedings of the XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Thessaloniki. Eds: Christofides et al. Scientific Annals of the School of Geology A.U.Th., 100, 343-350.
MELFOS, V., VAVELIDIS, M., CHRISTOFIDES, G. & SEIDEL E. (2002): Origin and evolution of the Tertiary Maronia porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Thrace, Greece. Mineralium Deposita, 37, 648-668.
MELFOS, V., VOUDOURIS, P., VAVELIDIS, M. & SPRY P. (2008): Microthermometric results and formation conditions of a new intrusion-related Bi-Te-Pb-Sb±Au deposit in the Kavala pluton, Greece.-In proceedings of the XIII All-Russian conference on thermobarogeochemistry in conjunction with IV APIFIS symposium, vol 2, 165-168.
MELFOS, V. & VOUDOURIS, P.C. (2012): Geological, mineralogical and geochemical aspects for critical and rare metals in Greece.-Minerals, 2, 300-317.
NERANTZIS, N. (2009): Pillars of Power: Silver and Steel of the Ottoman Empire.-Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 9, 71-85.
PE-PIPER, G. & PIPER, D.J. (2002): The Igneous Rocks of Greece. Gebroder Borntraeger, Berlin, Germany. 573 p.
PE-PIPER, G. & PIPER D.J. (2001): Late Cenozoic, post-collisional Aegean igneous rocks: Nd, Pb and Sr isotopic constraints on petrogenetic and tectonic models.-Geological Magazine, 138, 653-668.
PERNICKA, E., GENTNER, W., WAGNER, G.A., VAVELIDIS, M. & GALE, N.H. (1981): Ancient lead and silver production on Thasos (Greece).-Revue d'Archéométrie, 1, 227-237.
ROEDDER, Ε. (1977): Fluid inclusions as tools in mineral exploration.-Economic Geology, 72, 503-525.
SIMMONS, S.F. & BROWN, K.L. (2006): Gold in magmatic hydrothermal solutions and the rapid formation of a giant ore deposit.-Science, 314, 288–290.
TSIRAMBIDES, A. & FILIPPIDIS, A. (2012): Exploration key to growing Greek industry.-Industrial Minerals, 533, 44-47.
VAVELIDIS, M. & AMSTUTZ, G.C. (1983a): New genetic investigations on the Pb-Zn deposits of Thasos (Greece). In SCHNEIDER, H.J. (ed), Mineral Deposits of the Alpine Epoch in Europe, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 359-365.
VAVELIDIS, M. & MELFOS, V. (2004): Bi-Ag-bearing tetrahedrite-tennantite in the Kapsalina copper mineralisation, Thasos island, Northern Greece.-Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen (Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry), 180, 149-169.
VAVELIDIS, M., SCHMIDT-MUMM, A. & MELFOS, V. (1995): Microthermometric investigations in the Bi-Te-Ag bearing Cu-mineralization of Panagia area, Thasos Island, Greece.-Boletin Soc. Espan. Mineralogia, 18-1, 261-262.
VAVELIDIS, M., GIALOGLOU, G., WAGNER, G.A. & PERNICKA, E. (1988): Die Bundmetall- und Eisen-Mangan-Lagerstätten von Thasos.-Anschnitt, 6, 40-58.
VAVELIDIS, M., GIALOGLOU, G., MELFOS, V. & WAGNER, G.A. (1996): Goldgrube in Palaea Kavala-Griechenland: Entdeckung von Skaptehyle?-Erzmetall, 49, 547–554.
VAXEVANOPOULOS, M., VAVELIDIS, M., MALAMIDOU, D., MELFOS, V. & PAVLIDIS, S. (in press): Excavations in ancient mines and metallurgical sites on the Pangaion mountain (Asimotrypes, Valtouda).-The Archaeological Work in Macedonia and Thrace (in press, in Greek).
VOUDOURIS, P. (2006): Comparative mineralogical study of Tertiary Te-rich epithermal and porphyry systems in northeastern Greece.-Mineralogy and Petrology, 87, 241-275.
VOUDOURIS, P., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., KARTAL, T., SCHLEICHER, H., MORITZ, R. & ORTELLI, M. (2013b): The Pagoni Rachi/Kirki Cu-Mo±Re±Au deposit, Northern Greece: Mineralogical and fluid inclusion constrains on the evolution of a telescoped porphyry-epithermal system.-Canadian Mineralogist, 51, 411-442.
VOUDOURIS, P., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., MORITZ, R., PAPAVASSILIOU, C. & FALALAKIS G. (2011): Mineralogy and geochemical environment of formation of the Perama Hill high-sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag-Te-Se deposit, Petrota Graben, NE Greece.-Mineralogy and Petrology, 103, 79-100.
VOUDOURIS, P.C., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., BINDI, L., KARTAL, T., ARIKAS, K., MORITZ, R. & ORTELLI, M. (2009): Rhenium-rich molybdenite and rheniite (ReS2) in the Pagoni Rachi-Kirki Mo-Cu-Te-Ag-Au deposit, Northern Greece: Implications for the rhenium geochemistry of porphyry style Cu-Mo and Mo mineralization.-Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 1013-1036.
VOUDOURIS, P. & ALFIERIS, D. (2005): New porphyry Cu±Mo occurrences in the north-eastern Aegean, Greece: Ore mineralogy and epithermal relationships. In: MAO, J. & BIERLEIN, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 473-476.
VOUDOURIS, P., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., BINDI, L., MORITZ, R., ORTELLI, M., & KARTAL, T. (2013a): Extremely Re-rich molybdenite from porphyry Cu-Mo-Au prospects in northeastern Greece: Mode of occurrence, causes of enrichment, and implications for gold exploration.-Minerals, 3, 165-191.
WILKINSON, J.J. (2001): Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits.-Lithos, 55, 229-272.
WILLIAMS-JONES, A.E. & HEINRICH, C.A. (2005): 100th Anniversary special paper: vapor transport of metals and the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits.-Economic Geology, 100, 1287-1312.
BAKER, T. & LANG, J.R. (2001): Fluid inclusion characteristics of intrusion-related gold mineralization, Tombstone–Tungsten magmatic belt, Yukon Territory, Canada.-Mineralium Deposita, 36, 563-582.
BLUNDELL, D., ARNDT, N., COBBLOD P.R. & HEINRICH C. (2005): Processes of tectonism, magmatism and mineralization: Lessons from Europe.-Ore Geology Reviews, 27, 333-349.
BONSALL, T.A., SPRY, P.G., VOUDOURIS, P.C., TOMBROS, S., SEYMOUR, K.S. & MELFOS, V. (2011): The geochemistry of carbonate-replacement Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in the Lavrion district, Attica, Greece: Fluid inclusion, stable isotope, and rare earth element studies.-Economic Geology, 106, 619-651.
BORTNIKOV, N.S. (2006): Geochemistry and origin of the ore-forming fluids in hydrothermal-magmatic systems in tectonically active zones.-Geology of Ore Deposits, 48, 1-22.
CHANG, Z., HEDENQUIST, J.W., WHITE, N.C., COOKE, D.R., ROACH, M., DEYELL, C.L. & CUISON A.L. (2011): Exploration tools for linked porphyry and epithermal deposits: Example from the Mankayan intrusion-centered Cu-Au district, Luzon, Philippines.-Economic Geology, 106, 1365-1398.
CHATZIKIRKOU, A. & MICHAILIDIS K. (2004): The Eptadendro and Rachi sulfide mineralization, Eastern Rhodope, Greece.-Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 36, 397-405 (in Greek with English abstract).
CHRISTOFIDES, G., PECSKAY, Z., ELEFTHERIADIS, G., SOLDATOS, T. KORONEOS, A. (2004): The Tertiary Evros volcanic rocks (Thrace, northeastern Greece): petrology and K/Ar geochronology.-Geologica Carpathica-Bratislava, 55, 397-410.
CHRISTOFIDES, G. (1996): Tertiary magmatism in the Greek Rhodope Massif, northern Greece: Granitic plutons. In: KNEZEVIC, V. & KRSTIC, B. (eds.), Terranes of Serbia: The Formation of the Geologic Framework of Serbia and the Adjacent Regions. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 155-160.
DE BOORDER, H., SPAKMAN, W., WHITE, S.H. & WORTEL, M.J.R. (1998): Late Cenozoic mineralization, orogenic collapse and slab detachment in the European Alpine Belt.-Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 164, 569-575.
ELEFTHERIADIS, G. & KORONEOS, A. (2003): Geochemistry and petrogenesis of post-collision pangeon granitoids in central Macedonia, Northern Greece.-Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 63, 364-389.
ELIOPOULOS, D.G. (2000): Geochemistry and origin of the Asimotrypes carbonatehosted mesothermal gold deposit, Pangeon mountain, N. Greece.-Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Southampton, UK, 244 p.
FORNADEL, A.P., SPRY, P.G., MELFOS, V., VAVELIDIS, M. & VOUDOURIS, P. (2011): Is the Palea Kavala Bi-Te-Pb-Sb ± Au district, northeastern Greece, an intrusion-related system?-Ore Geology Reviews, 39, 119-133.
GEORGAKOPOULOU, M., BASSIAKOS, Y. & PHILANIOTOU, O. (2011): Seriphos surfaces: a study of copper slag heaps and copper sources in the context of Early Bronze Age Aegean metal production.-Archaeometry, 53, 123-145.
HEINRICH, C.A. (2005): The physical and chemical evolution of low-salinity magmatic fluids at the porphyry to epithermal transition: a thermodynamic study.-Mineralium Deposita, 39, 864-889.
HEINRICH, C.A. (2007): Fluid-fluid interactions in magmatic-hydrothermal ore formation.-Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 65, 363-387.
HURTIG, N.C. & WILLIAMS-JONES, A.E. (2015): Porphyry-epithermal Au-Ag-Mo ore formation by vapor-like fluids: New insights from geochemical modeling.-Geology, G36685-1.
JOLIVET, L. & BRUN, J.P. (2010): Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Aegean.-International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 109-138.
KESLER, S.E., BODNAR, R.J. & MERNAGH, T.P. (2013): Role of fluid and melt inclusion studies in geologic research.-Geofluids, 13, 398-404.
ELIOPOULOS, D.G. & KILIAS, S.P. (2011): Marble-hosted submicroscopic gold mineralization at Asimotrypes area, mount Pangeon, southern Rhodope core complex, Greece.-Economic Geology, 106, 751-780.
LANG, J.R. & BAKER, T. (2001): Intrusion-related gold systems: the present level of understanding.-Mineralium Deposita, 36, 477-489.
LEHMANN, B., DIETRICH, A. & WALLIANOS, A. (2000): From rocks to ore.-International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89, 284-294.
LOWENSTERN, J.B. (2001): Carbon dioxide in magmas and implications for hydrothermal systems.-Mineralium Deposita, 36, 490-502.
MARCHEV, P., KAISER-ROHRMEIER, M., HEINRICH, C., OVTCHAROVA, M., VON QUADT, A. & RAICHEVA, R. (2005): Hydrothermal ore deposits related to post-orogenic extensional magmatism and core complex formation: the Rhodope Massif of Bulgaria and Greece.-Ore Geology Reviews, 27, 53-89.
MELFOS, V., CHATZIKIRKOU, A., MICHAILIDIS, K. & VOUDOURIS P. (2010): Fluids related to remobilization of Mesozoic sulfide mineralization in the Eptadendro-Rachi region in eastern Rhodope, Thrace, Greece. In the Proceedings of the XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Thessaloniki. Eds: Christofides et al. Scientific Annals of the School of Geology A.U.Th., 100, 343-350.
MELFOS, V., VAVELIDIS, M., CHRISTOFIDES, G. & SEIDEL E. (2002): Origin and evolution of the Tertiary Maronia porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Thrace, Greece. Mineralium Deposita, 37, 648-668.
MELFOS, V., VOUDOURIS, P., VAVELIDIS, M. & SPRY P. (2008): Microthermometric results and formation conditions of a new intrusion-related Bi-Te-Pb-Sb±Au deposit in the Kavala pluton, Greece.-In proceedings of the XIII All-Russian conference on thermobarogeochemistry in conjunction with IV APIFIS symposium, vol 2, 165-168.
MELFOS, V. & VOUDOURIS, P.C. (2012): Geological, mineralogical and geochemical aspects for critical and rare metals in Greece.-Minerals, 2, 300-317.
NERANTZIS, N. (2009): Pillars of Power: Silver and Steel of the Ottoman Empire.-Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 9, 71-85.
PE-PIPER, G. & PIPER, D.J. (2002): The Igneous Rocks of Greece. Gebroder Borntraeger, Berlin, Germany. 573 p.
PE-PIPER, G. & PIPER D.J. (2001): Late Cenozoic, post-collisional Aegean igneous rocks: Nd, Pb and Sr isotopic constraints on petrogenetic and tectonic models.-Geological Magazine, 138, 653-668.
PERNICKA, E., GENTNER, W., WAGNER, G.A., VAVELIDIS, M. & GALE, N.H. (1981): Ancient lead and silver production on Thasos (Greece).-Revue d'Archéométrie, 1, 227-237.
ROEDDER, Ε. (1977): Fluid inclusions as tools in mineral exploration.-Economic Geology, 72, 503-525.
SIMMONS, S.F. & BROWN, K.L. (2006): Gold in magmatic hydrothermal solutions and the rapid formation of a giant ore deposit.-Science, 314, 288–290.
TSIRAMBIDES, A. & FILIPPIDIS, A. (2012): Exploration key to growing Greek industry.-Industrial Minerals, 533, 44-47.
VAVELIDIS, M. & AMSTUTZ, G.C. (1983a): New genetic investigations on the Pb-Zn deposits of Thasos (Greece). In SCHNEIDER, H.J. (ed), Mineral Deposits of the Alpine Epoch in Europe, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 359-365.
VAVELIDIS, M. & MELFOS, V. (2004): Bi-Ag-bearing tetrahedrite-tennantite in the Kapsalina copper mineralisation, Thasos island, Northern Greece.-Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen (Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry), 180, 149-169.
VAVELIDIS, M., SCHMIDT-MUMM, A. & MELFOS, V. (1995): Microthermometric investigations in the Bi-Te-Ag bearing Cu-mineralization of Panagia area, Thasos Island, Greece.-Boletin Soc. Espan. Mineralogia, 18-1, 261-262.
VAVELIDIS, M., GIALOGLOU, G., WAGNER, G.A. & PERNICKA, E. (1988): Die Bundmetall- und Eisen-Mangan-Lagerstätten von Thasos.-Anschnitt, 6, 40-58.
VAVELIDIS, M., GIALOGLOU, G., MELFOS, V. & WAGNER, G.A. (1996): Goldgrube in Palaea Kavala-Griechenland: Entdeckung von Skaptehyle?-Erzmetall, 49, 547–554.
VAXEVANOPOULOS, M., VAVELIDIS, M., MALAMIDOU, D., MELFOS, V. & PAVLIDIS, S. (in press): Excavations in ancient mines and metallurgical sites on the Pangaion mountain (Asimotrypes, Valtouda).-The Archaeological Work in Macedonia and Thrace (in press, in Greek).
VOUDOURIS, P. (2006): Comparative mineralogical study of Tertiary Te-rich epithermal and porphyry systems in northeastern Greece.-Mineralogy and Petrology, 87, 241-275.
VOUDOURIS, P., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., KARTAL, T., SCHLEICHER, H., MORITZ, R. & ORTELLI, M. (2013b): The Pagoni Rachi/Kirki Cu-Mo±Re±Au deposit, Northern Greece: Mineralogical and fluid inclusion constrains on the evolution of a telescoped porphyry-epithermal system.-Canadian Mineralogist, 51, 411-442.
VOUDOURIS, P., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., MORITZ, R., PAPAVASSILIOU, C. & FALALAKIS G. (2011): Mineralogy and geochemical environment of formation of the Perama Hill high-sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag-Te-Se deposit, Petrota Graben, NE Greece.-Mineralogy and Petrology, 103, 79-100.
VOUDOURIS, P.C., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., BINDI, L., KARTAL, T., ARIKAS, K., MORITZ, R. & ORTELLI, M. (2009): Rhenium-rich molybdenite and rheniite (ReS2) in the Pagoni Rachi-Kirki Mo-Cu-Te-Ag-Au deposit, Northern Greece: Implications for the rhenium geochemistry of porphyry style Cu-Mo and Mo mineralization.-Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 1013-1036.
VOUDOURIS, P. & ALFIERIS, D. (2005): New porphyry Cu±Mo occurrences in the north-eastern Aegean, Greece: Ore mineralogy and epithermal relationships. In: MAO, J. & BIERLEIN, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 473-476.
VOUDOURIS, P., MELFOS, V., SPRY, P.G., BINDI, L., MORITZ, R., ORTELLI, M., & KARTAL, T. (2013a): Extremely Re-rich molybdenite from porphyry Cu-Mo-Au prospects in northeastern Greece: Mode of occurrence, causes of enrichment, and implications for gold exploration.-Minerals, 3, 165-191.
WILKINSON, J.J. (2001): Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits.-Lithos, 55, 229-272.
WILLIAMS-JONES, A.E. & HEINRICH, C.A. (2005): 100th Anniversary special paper: vapor transport of metals and the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits.-Economic Geology, 100, 1287-1312.