First record of trace fossils from the Oxfordian Argiles rouges de Kheneg Formation (Tiaret, northwestern Algeria)
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Three main facies associations FA-3 to FA occur in the Oxfordian Argiles rouges de Kheneg Formation in northwestern Algeria. They correspond respectively to the deeper part of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf, upper shoreface and offshore transition-lower offshore. The trace fossil association of the Argiles rouges de Kheneg Formation contains fifteen ichnogenera and is moderately diverse for the Upper Jurassic. The formation contains diverse and abundant deep water or dominantly deep water trace fossils (i.e. Belorhaphe, Chondrites, Helminthopsis, Nereites, Megagrapton). They indicate that a part of the formation was deposited in offshore transition to lower offshore environments.
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