Remote landslide mapping, field validation and model development – An example from Kravarsko, Croatia

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Laszlo Podolszki
Tomislav Kurečić
Luke Bateson
Kristian Svennevig


The Kravarsko settlement area, in northern Croatia, has multiple landslides and damage to buildings and infrastructure caused by landslides. However, actual landslide investigation data for the wider Kravarsko area (pilot area PA1) is relatively sparse and no landslide inventory or typical landslide model exists. The aim of this research was to develop such a landslide inventory by integrating new approaches in geohazard research such as remote landslide mapping from high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) and current and historical aerial images with existing and new geological data related to landslides. The conclusion is that detailed DEMs are more than adequate for the development of reliable landslide inventories but field checks are still necessary to account for the specific set of natural and man-made conditions found in the research area. The landslide inventory developed for Kravarsko has been field validated in a smaller validation area (VA1) and a typical simplified landslide model for PA1/VA1 was developed. Within the model, sliding is interpreted as complex  with multiple generations of sliding and multiple sliding surfaces. Based on the analysis undertaken and the available field data, around 10-20% of urban structures are endangered in the Kravarsko area and  anthropogenic activity was determined as an important landslide triggering factor for landslide activation or reactivation. Still the question remains of how to quantify the anthropogenic influence? The developed landslide inventory for PA1/VA1 could be used for local urban planning/development and endangerment assessment/evaluation.


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