Mineral assemblage and provenance of the Pliocene Viviparus beds from the Area of Vukomeričke Gorice (Central Croatia)
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Viviparus beds are sediments deposited in lacustrine and fluvial freshwater environments (Lake Slavonia) during the Pliocene and the earliest Pleistocene. A detailed field study and mineralogical, petrographic and chemical analyses were carried out to determine their composition and origin in the area of Vukomeričke Gorice, Central Croatia. Viviparus beds are characterized by the vertical and lateral exchange of mineralogically and chemically mature pelites and sands. Pelitic sediments consist mainly of detrital quartz, calcite, dolomite and feldspar grains, with smectite as the most common clay mineral. Quartz and the most resistant lithic fragments dominate the sandy detritus. The composition of the sediments indicates their origin from the recycled orogen, while their textural immaturity suggests a short transport distance. Most of the material was re-deposited from the underlying Upper Miocene sediments, originally of Alpine provenance. A lesser proportion originated from Palaeogene sediments, Triassic carbonate rocks, basic or acidic magmatic rocks and metamorphites. The Medvednica and Žumberak Mts. were the most important source areas, while a smaller proportion of the material could have come from the Moslavačka gora Mt. and Banovina region. The uniform composition of the Viviparus beds over the entire vertical distribution of the sediments clearly indicates that the source areas did not change during their deposition. A significant change from the texturally and compositionally mature Upper Miocene clastic detritus of alpine origin, to the texturally immature material of the Viviparus beds of local origin is a consequence of compression and inversion of the previously extensional basin resulting in the uplifting and erosion of the mountains within the SW part of the Pannonian Basin System.
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