Middle Miocene marine flooding: New 40Ar/39Ar age constraints with integrated biostratigraphy on tuffs from the North Croatian Basin
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In the North Croatian Basin which is located in the southwestern part of the Pannonian Basin System, Miocene tuff deposits have been observed at several localities in the area of Banovina, Medvednica Mt. and Slavonia. Here we present new 40Ar/39Ar age results obtained from volcanic glass from the Laz tuff (15.42 ± 0.15 Ma) intercalated with lacustrine freshwater/brackish deposits, the Jovac tuff (15.10 ± 0.06 Ma) intercalated with lacustrine freshwater deposits, the Čučerje tuff (14.81 ± 0.08 Ma) and the Nježić tuff (14.40 ± 0.03 Ma) both deposited in a marine environment. Fossil data (calcareous nannofossils/foraminifera) from the underlying and overlying beds of the tuffs from Čučerje and Nježić match the geochronological data i.e. NN5 zone and M6 zone were determined. Integration of biostratigraphic and geochronological data enable a better understanding of the NCB sedimentary evolution and constrain the Middle Miocene marine flooding event in the marginal areas of the western part of the NCB at ~15 Ma i.e. early/middle Badenian boundary. These results together with the existence of lower Badenian marine sediments in the Sava depression (in the southern part of NCB) suggest it is possible to conclude that during the early Badenian in the NCB, freshwater lacustrine and marine environments coexisted.
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