Middle Aptian Orbitolinid limestones in Belgrade (Serbia): microfacies and depositional environment
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Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) shallow-marine limestones with intercalated polymictic conglomerates were investigated with respect to their biostratigraphic age and their microfacies. They are the younger part of the generally carbonate-siliciclastic Lower Cretaceous deep-water (max. few hundred metres) turbiditic sequences (“Paraflysch”) of the so-called East Vardar zone in the Belgrade area. The biostratigraphic age of the limestones was determined by orbitolinid foraminifera: the co-occurrence of Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis SCHROEDER and Mesorbitolina texana (ROEMER) besides various other microfossils suggest a biostratigraphic age of this shallow- marine limestone succession as middle Aptian (Gargasian). Radiolarite components in the conglomerates are Triassic in age and were derived from the obducted Middle Triassic to Middle Jurassic Neo-Tethys ophiolites and/or their ophiolitic mélanges on the wider Adria plate. From both the first precise biostratigraphic age dating as middle Aptian combined with microfacies analysis of these shallow-marine limestones and the component spectrum in the intercalated conglomerates, it can be concluded that the Lower Cretaceous turbiditic “Paraflysch” succession was deposited on the eastern rim of the Dinarides. The results will allow a better comparison of the different Lower Cretaceous sedimentary successions deposited on the eastern margin of the Dinarides.
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