The Žune Ba-F epithermal deposit: Geophysical characterization and exploration perspective
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The Žune barite-fluorite ore body in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina has been explored using geophysical methods to determine the spatial distribution of the mineralization. The mineralization occurs in a 50 m long ESE-WNW fault zone in the form of a subvertical barite-fluorite vein, transforming to strings of tiny barite veins and impregnations at the immediate contact with the host dolostone. The geophysical research included 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measured along four profiles. In addition to resistivity inversion results, forward modelling has been performed along two profiles transecting the mining cut. Prior to surface geophysical measurements, detailed geological field mapping of the ore body and host rocks was undertaken. The main faults defined by geological field mapping, have been confirmed with geophysical results as well as the contact of the host dolostone with Lower to Middle Triassic sandstones. The contact is defined to the south of the deposit. However, based on the resistivity model, the position of the contact is about ten metres further south. The forward modelling results revealed that the barite-fluorite vein in the area of the mining cut is limited to a depth of about 10 m and the length is about 70 m. The vein is up to 5 m thick and almost 10 m wide. There is no indication for barite-fluorite mineralization in the area south of the studied mining cut with predominant Triassic sandstones, while anomalies that may be associated with ore bodies are present in the northern and northeastern parts, composed of Carboniferous dolostone.
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