Deciphering rock surface origins in a karst cave: insights from the Rača Cave, Lastovo, Croatia

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Georgios Lazaridis
Konstantinos P. Trimmis
Ivan Drnić
Kristina Brkić Drnić


This paper outlines a comprehensive fieldwork methodology for discerning the origin of rock surfaces within a  karst cave environment. This methodology is particularly utilized in a cave with breakdown morphology. Using  Rača Cave in Lastovo, Croatia as a case study, we explore geological and morphological features through  advanced surface analysis. The approach involves meticulous measurement of rock discontinuities, joint  patterns, and surface formations. Cost-efficient and time-efficient data collection and processing during field-work were undertaken with FieldClino Move and Polycam applications on smartphones. Visualization techniques were employed to elucidate the interplay between erosion, deposition, and speleogenetic processes. 


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