The influence of weathering and pedogenesis on the geochemical record of Miocene marls and Plio-Quaternary sediments, Medvednica Mt., Croatia
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The geochemical signature of weathering and pedogenesis in a temperate humid climate on two parent material types in the foothills of Medvednica Mt. was studied. Five soil profiles on Miocene marls and three sections of Plio-Quaternary (PlQ) proluvial sediments with overlying soil and weathered material were analyzed. The (clay) mineralogy of all profiles and sections had been determined in previous studies. The chemical composition of the samples was determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Poorly ordered Fe and Mn oxides were determined in the PlQ sediment and overlying soil samples by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), after oxalate dissolution in the dark. The concentrations and element ratios were used to determine element enrichment/mobility and intensity of chemical weathering, material provenance, and to compare the geochemical signatures with previously obtained clay mineralogy results. Trace elements in the Miocene marls, including rare earth elements (REE), indicate the continental origin of the marl siliciclastic component, while more scattered geochemical data of the PlQ sediments reflect their proluvial/torrential nature. The mass transfer coefficient (τ) for major elements and element ratios of the Miocene marl profiles indicate chemical weathering and pedogenesis of lower intensity. The geochemistry of these samples shows homogeneity within the profiles. In the geochemical signature of the PlQ sections, a chaotic proluvial deposition of the material is visible, as well as the heterogeneity with the overlying soil and weathered material. Overall, the geochemistry results largely support the clay mineralogy of the samples and demonstrate how a multiproxy approach can help test hypotheses about past environments and provide valuable additional information for complex paleoenvironmental studies.
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