Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Holocene calcareous tufas distributed over a manganese deposit in Mexico
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The Holocene calcareous tufa deposits are located in the north-central sector of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. These deposits outcrop on the Upper Jurassic Chipoco Formation in the Molango Manganese District. Calcareous tufa deposits correspond to carbonate formations of inactive tufas disconnected from the current hydrological network. To better understand the textural, geochemical, and biological characteristics and environmental conditions during their formation, a detailed study involving field analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis, and morphometric analysis with light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy was carried out. Similarly, 14C analysis was undertaken to determine the age of the deposit. On this basis, two biofacies were defined, one with stem structures and the other with Phyto clasts, bryophytes (Plagiomnium cuspidatum), and copepods, limited both at the base and the top by lenticular-shaped erosive surfaces and sigmoidal clinoforms. These bio facies formed in lacustrine and paludal environments, and barrier waterfalls. From a geomorphological point of view, the accumulations of these calcareous tufas originated on slopes and/or at the foot of karstic springs, where the accumulation of material originated from the height of the spring with respect to the bottom of the valley, giving rise to a set of stepped tuffaceous plains with a wedge-shaped profile, colonized by important masses of bryophyte mounds, copepods, and vascular plants. This suggests a swampy environment where sedimentation took place in shallow water accumulations, where there is clear evidence of exposure and pedogenetic modification, indicating wet and dry episodes that translate into seasonal fluctuations in the water table. Six mineral phases were observed including silicates, carbonates and arsenates. The 14C analysis indicates that the plant found in the charcoal sample within the calcareous tufa deposit is of Holocene age.
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