Albian biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Sharib-1X borehole (northern Egypt): Insights from palynomorphs and palynofacies

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Miran Mostafa Khalaf
Magdy Salah Mahmoud


Well-preserved terrestrial palynoflora assemblages, dominated by pteridophyte spores (e.g., Deltoidospora,  Triplanosporites, and Dictyophyllidites), with angiosperms and elaterate-bearing taxa, were recorded from the  Kharita Formation, northern Egypt. Biostratigraphically, the angiosperm pollen Afropollis jardinus is the most  significant element, along with elaterates including Elaterosporites klaszii and Elaterocolpites castelainii, in dating the Kharita Formation and confirming its previous (dinoflagellate) Albian dating. We applied current and  previous documented redox states in the borehole and discovered evidence of missing of angiosperms and  elaterates from some stratigraphic levels. At stratigraphic horizons where opaque phytoclasts are  extraordinarily abundant, oxidation is highly expected and, consequently, some palynomorphs of the original palynological assemblages may have been oxidized. At other horizons with mild oxidation, some palynomorphs  cannot be preserved due to environmental restrictions. Under these circumstances, if these marker taxa are  missing, age assessments can be unreliable. Therefore, care must be taken in order to determine reliable  palynostratigraphy. An oxic to dysoxic-suboxic marginal marine environment was inferred, with a few examples of periodic distal settings at the basal and top parts of the Kharita Formation. The Kharita palynofloras, as part  of the palynofloristic Albian-Cenomanian African-South American (ASA) province, reflect the influence of the  break-up of the continents of Africa and South America. They reflect the resultant global palaeoclimate change  near the equator, which brought humid conditions to Egypt during Albian times.


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