Hydrochemical characterization of a Dinaric karst catchment in relation to emerging organic contaminants

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Ana Selak
Jasmina Lukač Reberski
Maja Briški
Lorena Selak


The main findings of a hydrochemical investigation conducted within a typical Dinaric karst catchment located  in Southern Croatia are outlined. The studied aquifer is drained by the Jadro and Žrnovnica springs, which are  important for the regional and local water supplies, respectively. Presumably, there is intercatchment  groundwater flow coming from the neighbouring Cetina River catchment. Various factors governing aquifer  hydrochemistry and their interplay with emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) that were detected at different  water resources in ng/L concentrations was assessed. A total of 26 sampling campaigns (October 2019 –  October 2022) were conducted at two springs, in a river and at a deep borehole, all representative of this  complex hydrogeological system. Assessment of major ion constituents and saturation indices calculated with  PHREEQC revealed the sampled water resources are of a Ca-HCO3 type due to the predominant weathering of  the carbonate mineral calcite. Sharp spikes observed in chemographs indicated a highly karstified system with  an effective conduit network allowing rapid spring responses to precipitation events. Water resources are of  good chemical status, as affirmed by anthropogenic contamination indicators, with nitrates, chlorides and  sulphates all below maximum threshold values. Strong positive correlations were found between EOCs  concentration, number of detected compounds, and nitrates in the Cetina River, indicating a common origin,  most likely wastewater. Identification of persistent EOCs including widely used repellent N,N-diethyl- metatoluamide (DEET) during base flow conditions and its strong positive correlation with the Ca2+ content in  both the Cetina and Jadro samples, suggests potential storage in the epikarst and aquifer matrix. This coupling  of conventional hydrochemical indicators and novel markers of anthropogenic impacts, including EOCs, in  vulnerable karst water resources is a crucial advancement in the assessment and management of emerging  environmental and potential human health risks. Such an approach is pivotal for the sustainable protection of hydrogeologically intricate sites. 


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