Strontium Isotopic Stratigraphy of the Miocene Adana Basin (S. Anatolia) and its Geological Implications
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This paper presents the first 87Sr/86Sr data and its geological implications for the entire stratigraphic sequence of the Neogene Adana Basin, one of the largest basins in southern Turkey (eastern Mediterranean). The Adana Basin is strategically located near the convergence point of the African, Arabian, and Anatolian plates, making it vital for understanding the regional geological history. In this study, 15 systematically collected samples from six different formations within the Adana Basin were subjected to strontium isotope analysis (87Sr/86Sr). The results were presented and interpreted for all units except the Handere Formation (Messinian fluvial, shallow marine-lagoon deposits). Notably, some of the corresponding ages of the recorded 87Sr/86Sr results have contradicted the published biostratigraphic ages from the literature. To explain the observed deviations in the Güvenç and Kuzgun formations, geochemical, petrographic, and SEM analyses were conducted, revealing that these deviations are generally related to diagenetic alteration and the high detrital content of the units. Additionally, fundamental palaeontological studies were carried out to provide supporting information. The 87Sr/86Sr deviations observed in the shallow marine units can be attributed to multiple factors, including short-term sea-level fluctuations, continental run-off, terrestrial feeding/riverine input, and volcanic activity during the late Tortonian–Messinian period. New field observations combined with 87Sr/86Sr data enabled the differentiation of distinct reef carbonates with similar lithologies. These findings demonstrate the formation of various reef levels through multiple short-term phases alongside a gradual regression of sea level in the basin during the late Miocene period.
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