Seasonality in cave dripwater and air properties – implications for speleothem palaeoclimatology, Nova Grgosova Cave (Croatia)

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Petra Bajo
Maja Briški
Anica Benutić
Aneta Piplica
Vlatko Brčić
Bernardo Marciuš
Iva Palatinuš
Andrej Stroj


Due to the wealth of climate-sensitive properties, speleothems have been propelled into prominence as one of  the most powerful continental archives of past climate changes. However, the multitude of processes that  operate in the unsaturated karst zone and in the cave atmosphere can make palaeoclimate interpretations of  the speleothem proxies challenging and site specific. Hence, to better understand the climate-proxy  relationship, cave monitoring studies are usually undertaken. Here, we present the first results of an ongoing  cave monitoring study in the Nova Grgosova Cave in Croatia covering an eighteen-month long monitoring  period. The driving mechanisms for Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca variability in dripwater samples that feed ten stalagmites  are discussed. The results reveal high variability in infiltration among the monitored sites as well as strong  seasonal variability in cave air carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. A strong positive correlation between  dripwater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca suggests that prior calcite precipitation (PCP) is taking place at this site affecting the chemical composition of dripwater. Principal component analysis furthermore reveals that dripwater Mg/Ca and  Sr/Ca are in strong negative correlation with cave air CO2 concentrations, while there is a weak correlation  with dripwater quantity. Cave ventilation is a primary process leading to the PCP at the Nova Grgosova Cave.  The seasonality revealed in this study suggests the possibility that the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratio in the speleothems  from this cave site can be used to aid seasonal reconstructions of past climate conditions in  central Croatia and beyond.


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