The Development of Croatian Geoscience as Reflected by the Study of Dinaridic Ophiolites
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For approximately 120 years since the beginning of European geology up to Ihe present day. Croatian geoscience has included intensive geological research of the Dinaridc Ophiolite zone. Research results can be grouped into several periods depending on the basic predominant approaches of European and World geology. ( 1) During the flysch period, ophiolites were spatially connected with the flysch formations. (2) During the geosynclinal period ophiolites were classified into the "Diabas-Hornstein Formation'. (3) During the transitional period, characterized by the elaboration or the Basic Geological Map, a voluminous data were collected which could not be incorporated in geosynclinal ideas. (4) The last period is charactcrized by modern geodynamic interpretations resulting from global tectonics.
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