Hydrodynamic characteristics of Mt. Biokovo foothill springs in Croatia
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Spring hydrographs and thermographs are a direct reflection of all processes that occur within aquifer systems. Therefore, they contain significant information about the hydrogeological characteristics of such systems. This article analyses hydrographs and thermographs from four springs located in the foothills of the Mt. Biokovo massif in southern Croatia. These springs are recharged by carbonate aquifers. Monitoring of yields and groundwater temperatures, as well as analysing hydrograph recessions, daily discharge and rainfall time series and water temperature dynamics, facilitated the identification of the main properties of the aquifer system located in the hinterland of the individual springs. Significant differences in the recharge mechanisms of individual springs were determined to be a consequence of varying geological conditions, degree of karstification and conduit network characteristics. The results suggest that the Cretaceous and Palaeogene basinal carbonate deposits (Kotišina limestones and breccias), the hydrogeology of which has not yet been studied, have the characteristics of permeable karstic rocks.
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