Specific aspects of engineering-geological models in Croatian karst terrain

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Davor Pollak
Dražen Navratil
Tomislav Novosel


The experiences of developing engineering geological models in karst areas for designing and construction purposes prove the necessity of considering at least three basic submodels: sedimentological, structural-tectonic and the weathering one. The research presented here deals with very important and frequently neglected segments in each of the submodels. Therefore, particular attention should be directed to: better understanding of carbonate sediment deposition,determination of environment and diagenetic processes, study of the 3D anisotropy of discontinuity frequency, and differentiation of weathering zones. The given data and examples elaborate and justify such an approach, which enables a more realistic detailed engineering model, more reliable evaluations of the engineering  geological/geotechnical parameters and real site conditions.


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Original Scientific Papers


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