A new occurrence of classic “Árpád-type” mollusk fauna from the Upper Miocene of Kozármisleny, southern Hungary

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Lajos Tamás Katona
János Kovács
Imre Magyar
Mária Sütő-Szentai
Tibor Berta


A classic but very rare “Árpád-type” mollusk assemblage, representing the endemic fauna of the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene Lake Pannon, was discovered in Kozármisleny (near Pécs, southern Hungary). The fossils were collected from silt layers deposited in the shallow sublittoral zone of Lake Pannon, and exposed by an 8–10 m high road cut. The assemblage contained some very rare species, including the type species of genus Lymnocardium, L. haueri (M. Hörnes). Palynological investigations from the same layers failed to yield age-diagnostic dinoflagellates, and pointed to strongly freshened water and warm, subtropical climate.


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