First record of Acanthuridae (surgeonfish) from the Miocene deposits of the Medvednica Mt.

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Kristina Tripalo
Sanja Japundžić
Jasenka Sremac
Marija Bošnjak


Middle Miocene deposits at the Dubravica locality in SW Medvednica Mt. (N Croatia) contain various marine fossils, including one tooth of the surgeonfish (Acanthuridae). This is the first such record in Croatia and the second in the wider region, besides the Vienna Basin. The appearance of surgeonfishes in the Paratethys coincides with the Miocene thermal maximum. Their distribution was probably controlled by available reef habitat and their palaeobiogeography and migration routes are yet to be studied.


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Original Scientific Papers
Author Biographies

Kristina Tripalo, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Geological Department


Sanja Japundžić, Croatian Natural History Museum

Senior curator

Jasenka Sremac, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Geological Department

Assoc. professor

Marija Bošnjak, Croatian Natural History Museum



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