Maastrichtian to Palaeocene and Eocene pelagic carbonates on the island of Svetac (central Adriatic, Croatia)
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Maastrichtian to Palaeocene pelagic carbonates on the central Adriatic island of Svetac (Sveti Andrija) are the only outcrops reported to date that document pelagic deposition during the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) transition within the Adriatic Basin. An approximately 3 m thick succession at the Smokvica locality contains a rich and diverse planktonic foraminiferal assemblage which allows dating of the succession and the recognition of some biostratigraphic zones. The lower part of the Smokvica section consists of 1.5 m thick pelagic biomicrite characterized by the abundance of late Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera that indicate the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone. An intercalation of intraclastic floatstone <0.5 m in thickness occurring on top of Maastrichtian pelagic biomicrite is characterized by unsorted pelagic intraclasts floating within the pelagic matrix, and both components only contain Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera.
The floatstone is overlain by another <0.5 m thick intraclastic-bioclastic floatstone characterized by rounded pelagic intraclasts (plasticlasts) containing Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera floating in the pelagic matrix. The matrix of the later floatstone contains Maastrichtian and Palaeocene planktonic foraminifera mixed together. Thus, the transition from the Maastrichtian to the Palaeocene is not continuous but is characterized by amalgamated debrites that are related to at least two separated re-depositional events within the basin. The overlying pure pelagic biomicrite is rich in planktonic foraminifera that indicates the Palaeocene P3 Zone. A few metres apart, after the covered interval, there are also Eocene pelagic biomicrites with planktonic foraminifera which indicate the Eocene E9 Zone, characterized by the co-appearance of benthic foraminifera (Discocyclina) floating within the pelagic matrix. It is assumed that a Maastrichtian opening of the deep-water environment connected to the Adriatic Basin within the former Adriatic Carbonate Platform west of the island of Vis could be related to a re-activation of an inherited transverse fault zone.
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