Factor Model of the Geomorphological System of a Part of Northwestern Croatia

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Zoran Peh


The method of factor analysis (R-mode) is applied as a tool in thesystem approach to the investigation of a selected geomorphologicalregion in the Northwestem Croatia. The factor model derived fromthe analysis is a mathematical representation of the fourth-order d rain agebasin system. It is composed of five orthogonal factors representingan assemblage of mutually uncorrelated subsystems as a frameworkwithin which geomorphic processes operate. Lithologic variables includedin the analysis prove to be an inseparable part of the investigatedgeomorphological system. Loaded significantly on the specific factors,not only do they disclose the way the resistant geological frameworkopposes the activity of driving forces in the study area, but also indicatemost straightforwardly the connection between the geologicstructure and the area! extent of the certain rock types (lithology).The former is particularly evident in the case of the sl ope factor, whilethe latter is characteristic for the factor of vertical dis section.


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