Preliminary results on degree of thermal alteration recorded in the eastern part of Mt. Papuk, Slavonia, Croatia

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Vanja Biševac
Dražen Balen
Darko Tibljaš
Darko Španić


In order to improve present knowledge of metamorphic conditions to which rocks of the Mt. Papuk have been subjected, selected samples belonging to the Radlovac metamorphic complex as well as overlying sedimentary rocks and parts of Psunj metamorphic complex beneath it were studied. Rocks from Mt. Papuk were investigated, in order to determine thermal conditions, by Kübler index (illite “crystallinity”) and Árkai index (chlorite “crystallinity”) while b0-parameter of K-white mica was used for pressure conditions estimation. Treatment with dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO) was used in order to extend application of chlorite “crystallinity” measurements to kaolinite containing samples. Obtained results are: T=250-300°C and P=2-3 kb. Similar T data recorded on various lithologies imply the existence of unknown post lower Triassic thermal event (Alpine very low to low grade metamorphism) affecting different complexes on Mt. Papuk. New data presented and discussed in this paper will set fundament for further research and interpretation of tectono-metamorphic history of the studied area and its correlation with other similar European metamorphic complexes.


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