On the species of the genus Selliporella SARTONI & CRESCENTI, 1962 from the Middle Jurassic of the coastal Dinarides of Croatia

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Branko Sokač
Tonći Grgasović


Emended diagnosis of the genus Selliporella and its type-species, S. donzellii SARTONI & CRESCENTI is proposed, based on the definitely proven existence of non-ramified branches in the older (basal) part of thallus and their ramifying in its higher (younger) parts. Based on the differences in the morphological characteristics of branches in the upper thallus parts, the type-species has been split into two varieties: S. donzellii var. donzellii SARTONI & CRESCENTI and S. donzellii var. galaeformis n. comb. Selliporella cornutuformis n. sp. is proposed, characterized by distinctly articulated (segmented) and spiky thallus, with each primary branch bearing a bundle of several trichophorous secondaries. Generic attribution of species originally described as Diplopora johnsoni PRATURLON and Triploporella neocomiensis RADOIČIĆ has been reviewed, resulting in their being unified as the same species, which, according to its newly observed morphological characters, has been ascribed to the genus Pseudoclypeina. Because Diplopora johnsoni has been validly described, Triploporella neocomiensis becomes, taxonomically, the younger synonym of Pseudoclypeina johnsoni (PRATURLON) n. comb.


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